Terms of Service

Welcome to Spectrum, a bridge and staking service provided by Lightscale Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“Company”). These Terms of Service (the "Terms") outline the terms and conditions governing your use of our web app. By accessing and using Spectrum, you agree to abide by these Terms. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms, please do not use our services.

Before using the service, carefully review the terms and conditions.

1. The Company can always change or modify the terms and conditions in accordance with relevant legislation and discretion.

2. When changes occur in the terms and conditions, the Company must notify the changes and enter the changed terms at the top or bottom of these terms and conditions so that the user can check the changes.

3. If the user continues to use the services provided by the Company after the modified terms and conditions are posted, it is assumed that the user recognizes and agrees with the change in terms and conditions.

4. The Company will notify users of changes to these Terms via pop-up notifications on our webpage. Continued use of our services after such notifications will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms.

5. The user agrees with entering the terms and conditions electronically as well as electronically saving records related to these terms and conditions.

I. Service access and use

II. Account registration and management for service use

III. License

IV. Transaction and duties when using service

V. Prohibited actions during service use

VI. Warranties and Guarantees

VII. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

VIII. Dispute resolutions

I. Service access and use

Spectrum offers two primary functionalities:

a) Staking Service: Users are able to stake ETH, stETH, and eETH. Stakers may be rewarded with KRO tokens in the future (currently not generated).

a-1) When unstaking, users are able to unstake spETH from L2 and receive eETH from L1.

b) Kroma Standard Bridge: Users who stake ETH, stETH, eETH will receive spETH(Spectrum Staked ETH), which can be bridged to Kroma, an Ethereum Layer 2

The user can access and use the services provided by the Company upon agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Game and service use is not possible in countries and regions that are not officially included in the service regions. When attempting or using the service the access can be blocked or use could be suspended, and the Company assumes no responsibilities on all damages that occur when using the service without approval.

Usable locations and countries : Game access and use are allowed in all countries and regions

Countries in which use is allowed can be changed in the future depending on the decisions made by the Company, with the changes notified in advance.

Additions terms, conditions and policies(hereinafter “additional terms and conditions”) apply in using some of the additional services, and in such cases user consent is required on the additional terms before using the service.

If the terms and conditions of this service conflict with the details of the additional terms or do not exist on these terms, in relation to the topic mentioned on the additional terms, it replaces these terms and conditions.

To use the services provided by the Company, the Company can request the user to create an account. If the user has not logged in or created an account, they may not access part of the service or its features, and we are not able to provide help with any damages.

The Company can apply updates to the service depending on their discretion and judgment.

The user agrees that the Company can not only access devices that use the service without limitations, but also provide updates remotely and automatically.

The Company can send/collect/save the user’s personal information outside the country of the user’s residence (including countries and regions where there may not be equivalent information protection regulation),and the user understands and agrees that some or all of their personal information can be sent/collected/saved outside the country to smoothly provide the service.

The Company collects cookies for analytics purposes. For more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

II. Account registration and management for service use

To normally use the services provided by the Company without limits, you may have to perform membership registration and register the account, and the user is responsible for the problems that occur while using the service without creating an account.

After the registration the user must use the service with their own accounts, and the user is responsible for the information required for use and management of the account.

The user that created the account is responsible for problems that occur with inadequate account management.

The user is entirely responsible to maintain confidentiality regarding their account’s access information.

The user must not allow a third party to access/use the account or share the access information with a third party, and cannot receive any help if any problems or damages occur from this.

III. License

The user, in principle, has no ownership for all services provided by the Company and all contents created, purchased, and obtained from the use of service, and understands and agrees that they are granted a limited license to use the service which is non-exclusive, non-transferrable, and cancellable.

The Company owns and possesses ownership, rights and interests, including intellectual property rights, for all services they provide or all items required for the use of service.

The name, service mark, trademark, all source code, database, function, software, website design, audio, video, test, image and graphic (collectively “contents”) of the service provided by the Company is owned by the Company, and no rights or license are granted to the user, individual, or group without prior agreement by the Company in advance.

IV. Transaction and duties when using service

The user agrees to pay all the price, including fees and relevant taxes, that occur with using the service, within the limit permitted by relevant legislation.

When using other transaction and billing services, additional costs can be charged as well as agreeing to terms and conditions related to the use of the services. It is the user’s responsibility to perform all the related duties required by each country and local organizations related to the purchase and use of virtual currency in the service provided by the Company.

The Company notifies the user in advance about the contents that have to be purchased that are non-refundable or are for sale, and contents and items that were normally purchased with the user’s choice cannot be refunded in principle.

All lost virtual currency, etc. occurred from the violation of these terms and conditions by the user are not of any responsibility or compensation by the Company.

To use the account that has been suspended, the refunded amount must be paid using another credit card or other payment methods, and the Company is not responsible for any credit card, bank related charge or fees related to the user’s transaction.

Notwithstanding these terms, legislation of the user’s Company can be applied on the purchase of service provided to the user, and the user can gain rights specified on the legislation or relief measures within the range in which the legislation is applied.

V. Prohibited actions during service use

There can be civil and criminal responsibilities associated with attempts to disturb or impair service operation, and system or network security violation.

The Company can request investigation to a law enforcement institution and provide relevant information to prosecute the user that violates the terms and conditions.

If any terms violation is discovered or if there is reasonable doubt of a violation, the Company can delay, pause, modify or terminate the user’s access to service without notice, unless otherwise required by relevant legislation.

The Company reserves the right to enforce these Terms and handle violations or breaches as necessary, which may include the suspension or termination of user accounts.

According to relevant legislation, forbidden acts include the following.

• Use of hacking, cracking, bot or third party software that can temporarily or permanently modify service code or user experience using operational program, software or technology, or fraudulent acts that cannot be performed without using third party software, other operational program, software or technology.

• Discovering, or attempting to discover all source code, algorithm, method or technology that is used or actualized in the service.

• Misrepresenting an individual or group, falsifying testimony on the user’s affiliation, identity or the origin of data sent by the user or falsely testifying that the user’s testimony or actions are approved by the Company.

• Replicating or bypassing service structure or included contents through any means using software or other manual/automatic devices or processes.

• Deleting, changing, or hiding copyright, trademark, patent or other ownership notification, legend, symbols or labels (including watermark, other digital right management technology or other information) included in the service.

• Act or attempts to unreasonably or irregularly add a large load to the network or infrastructure.

• Hosting, providing or developing in-between service about the Company’s service without prior approval, or forming, using or maintaining illegal connection to the service.

• Intercepting, emulating, or redirecting communication protocol used by the Company or nominee through any means.

• Using or attempting to use virus, malware, other computer codes, file, program, software, routine or device that is designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the Company’s system or network function/operation.

• Participate, encourage, or facilitate service denial attacks or similar acts, or attempting to investigate, scan, test or violate the system or network security.

• Using or attempting to use macro, automatic play or programs/methods that allow automatic operation or action of the user (or all characters controlled by the user).

• Illegally distributing data without the Company’s approval or advertising or promoting items or services (spam, promotional data, chain letter, pyramid scheme or other forms of illegal suggestions, etc.)

• All acts of harm, harassment, defamation, vulgar, obscene, hatred, threat, maltreatment, inflammatory, threatening, discriminating, violent, or instigating violence (including self-harm)

• Stalking, sexually explicit or other unpleasant acts, and all acts including pillage, stealing, murder, sexual comments or curses.

• Abusing flaws, undocumented issues or program bugs to create, utilize or trade game items that are created or copied.

• Posting or sharing another user’s personal information or important undisclosed information about the Company without consent.

• Based on the discretion of the Company, all attempts or participating in acts that cause responsibility, or damage to the Company, user, or another third party.

VI. Warranties and Guarantees

The Company guarantees that the total spETH token supply will never exceed the sum of the amount of ETH, stETH, eETH users deposited.

VII. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

The Company does not guarantee that the existence and details of the service is eternal.

The Company does not guarantee legality, integrity, safety, or accuracy for all websites, platforms, etc. that can be accessed through links (not directly provided by the Company) or contents of a third party included or connected to the Company’s service.

The Company does not take responsibility for the deletion, loss, problems or damage with the data or information related to the Company’s service or equipment.

Depending on the situation, the service use could be paused due to technical or maintenance reasons, and the user agrees that the Company is not responsible for inability to use the service or loss of information, data, transaction or other information and data caused by the pause of service use.

The Company is not responsible for damages to the user caused by unauthorized access to the service, infiltration of computer virus or acts by a third party.

The Company is not responsible for disputes between the user and a third party caused by the use of this service.

The Company is not responsible for direct/indirect damages caused by the device malfunction, error, information exposure due to the user or a third party’s malware, spyware, virus, or hacking.

The Company can modify or change the provided service as required, and does not take responsibility for any possible material/intangible direct/indirect damages.

Upon use of service by another company that is included or connected to the Company’s service, the user must sufficiently understand, review, and agree with the other company’s terms and conditions, and must take full responsibility for the damages and danger that could occur with using this.

If the user has a complaint about part of the service or the conditions of the related contract, the only and exclusive relief method for the user is to stop use of the service.

VIII. Dispute resolutions

If there is a claim against the Company, it is highly recommended to contact the Company at: support@kroma.network

In the event of a dispute, arbitration under Singaporean laws will be the method of resolution. In relation to the dispute, the user must actively participate in mediations provided by the Company, and upon agreeing with this, the user agrees to abandon all rights to litigate the dispute through the court and allow a judge or jury to decide the user’s case.

The dispute must be raised within 1 year.

All disputes in relation to this contract must be raised within 1 year in the small claims court or the mediation process within the range permitted by the legislation.

The 1 year period starts from the first point at which the dispute notification can be first submitted. It is permanently forbidden if the dispute is not raised within 1 year.

Last updated